Monday, 1 October 2012

Summer music video

A few errors I can instantly spot are:

  • No use of basetrack
  • No knowledge of the lyrics
  • Editing was rough and not up to scratch
The fact that we didn't follow the basetrack rules, instantly made our music video seemingly poor. We tried to just film parts, like we did for our thriller openings. Reflecting back on it now, I can tell that basetrack is important and should be used for any successful music video that we will be producing later on. As for the miming, I can admit to not knowing much of the lyrics and just trying to mime them. That itself is not good enough as after it looked really poor and for A2, knowing the lyrics is essential. As for the editing, it was not done well enough, even if it was a pre A2 task.

I found it difficult to find any strengths, but one strength is the accuracy of our imitation to the real video. Although the location was completely different, we tried our best to try and catch the same image as the real video.

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