Saturday, 1 December 2012

Rough Cut Feedback

I personally felt our rough cut feedback was helpful and interesting to find out what our target audience had thought of our work in progress.
Some of our main points gathered which would help us improve our music video was to include more close ups of our artists. Including close ups of the artist in a music video is one of the most important things when producing a music video as it enables the target audience to engage with the artist and their performance. Without close ups of the performer, the target audience will feel disengaged with the artist, resulting, with them not buying their music.
Due to this, we felt it was crucial to film our artists again with 10x the amount of close ups.
As we were short on time, we had decided to film some basetracks of our artists using a projection. That way, it would be quick and easy to film, without the video losing its quality. We used a different projection for the artist Dee Banks and featuring artist Delilah, as they are two completely different artists with two different tones to the song.
For Dee Banks, we used a projection that included boyish colours like red,green and blue with masculine graphics. In contrast to Delilah's projection which included feminine colours like pink, lilac, silver and lime.
We chose to have them both in front of a projection to keep the shots consistent in terms of the videos structure, as well as it creates a young and modern tone to the video.

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