Sunday, 9 December 2012

Analysis & Examples Of Adverts

 This is an exmaple of an advertisment which has already been anaylised but it has given me a better and more understanding of what the usual codes and conventions should follow when actually making an advertisment. This will also give me a good way of following the do's and dont's when eventually making mine.

 This is an example of wrtech 32's advert, this is out initual artists so therefore it gives me a really good idea of what an advert for my paricualar genre should contain. As you can see in the advert Wretch has really stuck to his genre and his roots and we see this thorought the colour the font and the picture of the block of flats in the backround. This shows he is following the convention when he says his true to his roots etc.

The main conventions are all stated in the red boxes for example the release date the places you can find his cd etc.

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